Lost Boys: The Tribe

Starring: Tad Hilgenbrink, Angus Sutherland, Autumn Reeser, Corey Fucking Feldman
Directed by: PJ Pesce
Written by: Hans Rodionoff
Studio: Hollywood Media Bridge, LB2 Films, blah blah

There's no shortage of painful vampire movies, Pete and I can attest to that much (Lust for Dracula, Ankle Bitters, etc. etc.). The original Lost Boys (1987), despite being a Joel Schumacher production, fairs pretty well given all the detris out there. You got Kiefer Sutherland breaking bitches' necks and puncturing jugulars, Corey Feldman at his finest, boobs, and a catchy theme song. A bunch of people since its successful theater run have realized how this movie's sort of a shiny pebble amid heaps of cat shit and so it is still popular years later. Which, hey, it deserves.

But what it doesn't deserve is the attentions of hack producers and writers, who inevitably see the potential in "re-invigorating" the material for a "new generation to enjoy". I don't think I need to spell-out what all that translates to in the vernacular (hint: it rules everything around me). What we get, then, is a direct-to-video compost pile of cliches and misconstrued cues from the original twenty-plus years later. Lost Boys: The Tribe inherits one of the positive traits from its parent product (i.e. boobs, specifically the luscious Moneca Delain's) but gets recessive, autistic DNA in all other regards.

For instance, replacing Kiefer Sutherland as the badass vampire this time around is Jack Bauer's younger, half-witted half-brother Angus who silted performance and dronish voice approximates a range of roles comprised of complete LSD burnouts. Corey Feldman, who reprises his "iconic" role as Edgar Frog, doesn't look a day older than he did back in the day but somehow over the years lost that quirky-yet-enduring quality he had in the late eighties - he's now kind of a bore. He did, though, manage to train his voice to sound as gravelly as the driveway for a dirt farm. Even the kinda-cool song from the original undergoes an abortion when some d-bags try to give it the POWER FUCK YEAGHHH ROCK makeover.

Another gripe I have with this movie is how the vampires, rather than the (un)living embodiments of youthful excess and rebellion they were in the previous incarnation, now act like frat boy cockheads more than anything else. While David (Kiefer)'s crew lived in a cave near the ocean filled with rust-encrusted emblems of consumerism, Shane (Angus)'s chill out in a multi-level underground complex fitted with HD TVs, an X-Box 360 and IKEA furniture. And while the undead from the first one are truly excited by their immortality (e.g. they hang from elevated railroad and then intentionally fall into a foggy abyss), the delta-delta-fi assholes from this one are content with just fucking around with the local police and stabbing each other in the gut while giggling like fools.

Schumacher et al are the only ones to gain from this shitpan of film, since it will most likely drive people (such as myself) to go and rent the original.

Writing: The story is a dumbed-down, ugly version of the first one with more WHACKY HIJINKS and less cooky 80s fun. The dialog is groan worthy.

Direction: Pesce really conveys the experience of turning into a vampire with slo-mo and simple lense distortions. Wowee.

Acting: Everybody was lame - Autumn Reeser was cute (as she always is) but that wasn't enough. But I'd rather blame the writing since she so purdy. :-3

Editing: There's a whole subplot with Autumn and Tad's aunt that there to set up a single, stupid fucking joke at the end of the movie. yeah, editing.

Sound: The usual CHEST STAB and POLICE BOLTER sounds galore.


Self-Awareness: "Hey guys, this is the sequel, let's just make a bunch of references to the first one yay."

Overall rating: **


1 comment:

Pete said...

Has Corey Feldman aged well? I will not be watching this movie to find out.